
Aluminium shots and notch bars are used as deoxidiser in steel plants. The deoxidisers are of two types: (i) Aluminium (ii) Ferrosilicon. Aluminium has certain advantages over the Ferrosilicon, as it is cheaper and can be easily made in the form of shots or ingot. Aluminium shots have the comparative advantage i.e. they offer greater surface area in better contact and mixing.

Aluminium shots and notch bars are used as deoxidiser in steel plants. The deoxidisers are of two types: (i) Aluminium (ii) Ferrosilicon. Aluminium has certain advantages over the Ferrosilicon, as it is cheaper and can be easily made in the form of shots or ingot. Aluminium shots have the comparative advantage i.e. they offer greater surface area in better contact and mixing.